Logo of Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce Inc.

2025: PDAC German Day

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March 4th, 2025 - Ontario Investment and Trade Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada


The German Day at the PDAC 2025 is organized by the Competence Centre for Mining & Mineral Resources at the Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce Inc. (AHK Kanada) and the German Mineral Resources Agency (DERA) and is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

The focus of this year's German Day will be on the entire value chain of critical raw materials. More details on the full agenda will be provided soon. The program features keynote speeches, panel discussions, and opportunities for audience interaction. In the evening, a networking reception will provide a fantastic platform for connecting with industry representatives, associations, and regulatory bodies.


The German Day will take place at the Ontario Invest and Trade Center in downtown Toronto on the 35th floor.


Please find an agenda here soon! 

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