The Transatlantic Dialogue

The Transatlantic Dialogue

Exchange between Canadian and German regions on the development and expansion of hydrogen hubs

The initiative “Transatlantic Dialogue - Exchange of Canadian and German Regions to Establish and Expand Hydrogen Hubs” focuses on local hydrogen actors in Germany and Canada through a “bottom-up” approach.  

Through its regional focus, the initiative promotes a sustainable dialogue, which aims to initiate possible research and business partnerships. Specifically, the initiative brings together six regional hydrogen networks, three of which are in Germany and three in Canada. 

In the selection of regional hydrogen networks, the focus is on the topic of hydrogen (energy partnership, energy export initiative, etc.). For Germany, for example, this would be the southern and eastern regions of Germany. In Canada, the focus of this initiative is on hydrogen regions in Quebec, Alberta, and British Columbia. 

Their selection is determined by their respective priorities, so that German and Canadian hydrogen hubs form a complementary pair. The planned focus is on hydrogen distribution networks and hydrogen applications in the chemical industry and heavy-duty transportation.  

The formats of the initiative consist of four webinars, two of which will involve the general public, as well as two delegation trips to Germany and Canada for representatives of the German and Canadian hydrogen regions. 

In the context of the German-Canadian Hydrogen Alliance, the German hydrogen import strategy, the upcoming Canadian G7 presidency, and Canada's role as a partner country at Hannover Messe 2025, now is the time to expand the cooperation between German and Canadian hydrogen hubs! 

Program items: 


1 Introduction of H2 hubs in Germany, end of November 2024 

2 Introduction of H2 hubs in Canada, beginning of December 2024 

3 Preparation of delegation trips, end of January 2025 

4 Feedback and outlook, mid-September 2024 

Delegation trips  

1. Trip to Germany, provisionally March 24 to 28, 2025 

2. Trip to Canada, tentatively June 9 to 13, 2025 

Previous events: 

Transatlantic Dialogue Artificial Intelligence & Big Data in Montreal, Karlsruhe, Ottawa, Berlin and Toronto 

The project is supported by the Transatlantic Program of the Federal Republic of Germany, funded by the European Recovery Program (ERP) of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

