Logo of Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce Inc.

Membership Benefits

The Benefits of Belonging.

Copyright: Nicolai Pogadl

A powerful network that opens doors

  • Become part of the strongest Canadian German business network
  • Expand your network through our professional and networking events
  • As a member you can access contacts in our exclusive CGCIC member directory
  • Reach out directly to potential partners, proven suppliers, and government administrators curated by CGCIC

Representation of interests

  • As the official representative of the German business community in Canada, we actively use our weight and competence for the concerns of our members
  • We provide support in specific cases and in helping to shape the economic framework conditions
  • Benefit from our business-oriented network with close contacts within the worldwide German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) network, to other associations, institutions as well as authorities of both countries

Information advantage

  • Access the expertise of our experts (e.g. on immigration, regulation)
  • Participate in CGCIC roundtables and speaker events with thought leaders and recognized industry experts
  • Receive exclusive information on political conditions, economic developments and future topics in Canada and Germany at our specialist events
  • Benefit from the exchange between members on best practices and approaches
  • Stay informed through our monthly business update

Increased visibility

  • Increase visibility of your company through CGCIC channels (business update, events, website)
  • Get listed in the CGCIC member directory
  • Publish your job offers in the CGCIC business update and on our website
  • SPONSORING MEMBERS: Increase your visibility through prominent placement within the network, on the CGCIC website, in the CGCIC lobby and at CGCIC events
  • SPONSORING MEMBERS: Host a seminar to introduce your company to our members


  • Vote on CGCIC's activities at our Annual Meeting
  • Provide input for future CGCIC activities and lobbying


  • Participate in the Chamber's business and networking events
  • Become part of our active business community

Want to become a member? Let's connect!


Become a Member

A membership of the German-Canadian Chamber of Industry and Commerce is worthwhile. Become a member now!

cggb_2024_SR_01_11849-LoRes.jpg Event

Canadian German Gala Ball

The annual Canadian German Gala Ball is the most anticipated event of the Canadian German Business Community and attracts more than 350 top business leaders from both countries every year.


The Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce

We are your partner in Canada.

Our Sponsoring Members