A powerful network that opens doors
- Become part of the strongest Canadian German business network
- Expand your network through our professional and networking events
- As a member you can access contacts in our exclusive CGCIC member directory
- Reach out directly to potential partners, proven suppliers, and government administrators curated by CGCIC
Representation of interests
- As the official representative of the German business community in Canada, we actively use our weight and competence for the concerns of our members
- We provide support in specific cases and in helping to shape the economic framework conditions
- Benefit from our business-oriented network with close contacts within the worldwide German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) network, to other associations, institutions as well as authorities of both countries
Information advantage
- Access the expertise of our experts (e.g. on immigration, regulation)
- Participate in CGCIC roundtables and speaker events with thought leaders and recognized industry experts
- Receive exclusive information on political conditions, economic developments and future topics in Canada and Germany at our specialist events
- Benefit from the exchange between members on best practices and approaches
- Stay informed through our monthly business update
Increased visibility
- Increase visibility of your company through CGCIC channels (business update, events, website)
- Get listed in the CGCIC member directory
- Publish your job offers in the CGCIC business update and on our website
- SPONSORING MEMBERS: Increase your visibility through prominent placement within the network, on the CGCIC website, in the CGCIC lobby and at CGCIC events
- SPONSORING MEMBERS: Host a seminar to introduce your company to our members
- Vote on CGCIC's activities at our Annual Meeting
- Provide input for future CGCIC activities and lobbying
- Participate in the Chamber's business and networking events
- Become part of our active business community
Our Canada Hannover Messe Team is looking forward to your visit!
Copyright: Jay Myers