Logo of Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce Inc.

Delegation: Railroad construction, Railroad technology and Railway transportation

  • Event

November 03 - 07, 2025 - Montreal, Toronto Canada

Copyright: Canva

Project Partner

In collaboration with Commit Project Partners GmbH (COMMIT) and on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, we will conduct a business delegation for German companies in the field of Railroad construction, Railroad technology, and Railway transportation to the provinces of Ontario and Quebec from November 3 - 7, 2025.

Market Situation

Canada is emerging as a significant trading partner for Germany. The Canadian government's numerous rail transportation and infrastructure projects present various business opportunities for German companies. The provinces of Ontario and Québec, with their capital cities Toronto and Montréal, are central to these modernization and expansion plans, supported by extensive measures and high levels of investment across the country.

In 2021, Justin Trudeau's government decided to expand the passenger train network along the country's most populous corridor, Québec - Toronto. This initiative particularly promotes the construction of passenger rail lines in Canada. Ontario, with several metro expansion projects, is considered the primary hotspot for rail projects. The "Ontario Line," a 16 km route for passenger transportation, is set to be built, and the subway in the northeast of Toronto is also being expanded. In Montréal, the "Réseau express métropolitain" (REM) will be the first fully automated metro line to go into operation.



Monday, November 03, 2025


  • Business and industry briefing with CGCIC
  • Individual B2B in Montréal
    Company visits
  • Networking dinner with Canadian companies

Tuesday, November 04, 2025


Conference Event + Networking Reception

Wednesday, November 05, 2025


  • Thematic tours, e.g. metro operator, transport company, railway facilities 
  • Reference ride on the fully automated underground in Montréal 
  • Train journey from Montréal to Toronto

Thursday, November 06, 2025


Individual B2B meetings and Company visits

Friday, November 07, 2025


  • Individual B2B meetings
  • Lunch with Feedback round
  • Networking dinner with Canadian companies at the Toronto Railway Museum 
  • Individual departure


The trip aims to introduce German companies to the Canadian rail industry. Participating companies will have the opportunity to establish personal contacts, attend individually arranged business meetings with Canadian companies in the industry, review new products and solutions, and develop collaboration opportunities. In addition to bilateral discussions and company visits, we are organizing a conference where participating companies can present themselves to a professional audience and attend panel discussions followed by a networking event.

Cluster Bahntechnik Bayern
CNA e.V.
Mittelstand Global
Verband der Bahnindustrie in Deutschland VDB

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