Conferences & Seminars
CGCIC - Seminars Canada
Webinar: The German Hydrogen Hub Landscape
Event Start
16/01/2025 · 10:00
Event End
16/01/2025 · 12:00

As part of the Transatlantic Dialogue - Hydrogen Hubs project, the Canadian German Chamber is hosting a virtual Webinar presenting the German Hydrogen Hub Landscape on January 16th!

This webinar will bring speakers from leading German Hydrogen Hubs and Associations to present Germany´s hydrogen strategy, landscapes and the key role of hydrogen hubs. The speakers will then remain for a Q&A.

In this webinar, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Christine Falken-Großer, Director Hydrogen Coordination BMWK; Cara Schwark, Cluster Management Cluster Brenstofzelle BW; David Sauss, siz-energieplus and Matthias Welzl, Coordinator Hydrogen Research and Technologies of the ZET of the University of Bayreuth as principal speakers.

After a keynote speech by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, we are pleased to present the Cluster Brennstoffzelle BW, the Steinbeis Innovationszentrum (siz) energieplus and the Zentrum für Energietechnik (ZET) of the University of Bayreuth in a little more depth!

This webinar is free of charge. You can find the agenda here!

Paul Meyer

Paul Meyer

Project Manager