Logo of Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce Inc.

Our Team

Do you have questions about German-Canadian business, market entry and business expansion? Do you need help in the areas of HR, law, taxes and finance? We will be happy to help you. Here you will find all contact persons of the Canadian-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

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Projects and Market Development

Membership & Events

Business Support Canada

Legal & Tax

Payroll & Bookkeeping

Communication & PR

German Secretariat of the Energy Partnership with Canada

  • Pogadl_Nicolai_klein.jpg

    Nicolai Pogadl

    Head, German Secretariat of the Energy Partnership with Canada; Senior Manager, Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce


Messe Duesseldorf

Hannover Messe


The Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce

We are your partner in Canada.


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of the Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce is made up of key stakeholder from the German and Canadian business community and reflects the various sectors of our Canadian-German business relations.


Mission & Vision

As part of the global network of German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHKs) with 150 locations in 93 countries, CGCIC is a non-profit organisation with a public mandate. We are your reliable partner for successful expansion in Canada.

Our Sponsoring Members