Dear Readers,
After the elections in Germany, the next few weeks will be about forming a stable government. Pending economic reforms must be implemented quickly. Business conditions must be significantly improved.
But it is not only a time of uncertainty for businesses in Germany, it's a time of increasing global uncertainty. In Canada, we see a renewed interest to diversify trade relations. Germany has been a reliable partner and offers many opportunities for trade. Since the provisional application of the CETA in 2017, the trade volume of goods between Canada and Germany has almost doubled. However, there is room for improvement - and together with our partners, we facilitate these opportunities to build on. An outstanding opportunity is this year's Hannover Messe where Canada is the partner country. The world will be looking at Canada and its innovative businesses! Canada's importance as a trading partner is on the rise.
We hope to see you in Hanover!
Your CGCIC Team